Thursday, 18 July 2013

Some of the joys

As the weeks go by there are just so many things to reflect on. One learns the all important lesson in life about celebrating the small joys. For example all the paper work in the labour ward used to be kept in a draw - a total nightmare. We now have the most fantastic wooden box making life so much easier for us.
Beautiful order!

 The chaos before
We have a number of lovely students with us on the ward. This is Josephine with a big smile on her face having just recieved her first baby at Caeserean Section. It is so good to be reminded of the struggles one can have in the beginning. Learning how to put sterile gloves on, learning to scrub properly before going int  theatre, how to keep things sterile in the theatre. The joy of teaching and seeing others learn is so great.

Salomne, Pendo, Myself and Doarh
It has been so great over the last months not only getting to know the midwives but all becoming friends. Much laughter is had as I battle away with my Swahili as they patiently teach me. Everyday there are little things that look like progress, that make us feel we are moving towards excellence. Yes the truth is sometimes you take a few steps back but all in all we are moving forward. Change is coming, everyone will be so proud of the work that they have done.
Yesterday I had the joy of helping a beautiful first time Mum Mary have her baby. It was one of those births that as a midwife just makes you love what you do. She even understood my limited Swahili, she was calm and birthed beautifully, oh those things make my heart just so glad!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie it's so lovely to hear how things are going. You are an amazing woman and midwife. It's a privilege to know you and call you friend.
    Blessing you, dear one. xx
