Saturday, 12 April 2014

Moving on!

It has been a while since I last wrote. Many things have happened and as always in this dynamic world some good and encouraging things as well as some sad and challenging things.
One of the really exciting developments has been the arrival of Dr Jonny Rust and family from the UK. Jonny is an obstetrician who will be with us for 5 months in the Maternity unit. He comes with a passion for teaching and such a willing heart to help, that it is such a blessing to have him with us for this time.
Using our new model

How a baby moves through a pelvis
Jonny explaining so well!
Kiwi delivery

Dr Freddy Mbise teaching us about professionalism
 This was a teaching day we had recently for all the Maternity/Gynae and Reproductive health staff to be refreshed on some of their clinical skills.
It is always a challenge to get everyone to teaching, the ward is busy and the staff shortage is a challenge at times.This way the staff get paid for coming in to do an extra shift bit that is a teaching shift - but this seems to work well.

Last month we had our busiest month yet with 167 births in the unit. This month looks like we are on track to being even busier so that is wonderful to know that more woman are feeling the freedom and confidence to access the service we re offering.

Some of the lovely midwives at handover

This week we seemed to have had a higher number than normal of HIV positive woman. 2 of them were just diagnosed when they came into labour and the other 2 were known. I am reminded again about the complexities of the disease. The longing to deny that they really have it, knowing the life sentence it brings with us. Sarah our senior midwife is very up to date on the care these woman and their babies should receive so has taken a wonderful lead in counseling these ladies. Another woman was needing a blood transfusion at the beginning of the week and her husband came to donate. He was found to be HIV positive. Mum however is HIV negative. Hence now the challenge to inform the husband and educating the couple to help the Mum remain HIV negative!

The final story of this week was a Masaai man who had 2 wives. One had undiagnosed triplets, sadly one of which died, but then wife number 2 is admitted with a 2 week old baby who is septic! One can only imagine the family dynamics with 2 wives both just post partum and all sick babies, a real challenge.